The Talk

The Talk

So I think it’s time we have the talk.  Since I’m a woman with life experience wanting to help younger women navigate through life, I want to give you a heads up in regard to aging.  When I was younger I remember thinking getting old was years away.  I laughed at all the old women ailments.  Well here it is, in the blink of an eye.  Karma is smacking my butt now!

Embrace Aging

You can go through the aging process with grace and acceptance or you can go though it like a toddler having a tantrum when they don’t get to take home every toy they touch in the store, or eat a tub of ice cream…only ice cream for dinner.  Grace and acceptance is the logical choice as you have little control over it anyway, so why fight it.  Embrace it…some souls never get the chance to age.  Let that sink in.

The aging process is different for every woman, but some factors will likely be the same, so I’ll go over those.

(I’ve consulted with other women my age and they are going through the same things, so you won’t be alone…remember that.)

First off….Lets address the hair issue.  You may go grey, you may not.  I started going grey in my twenties, a family trait, so there is always that.  And then there is my bestie…J…we are the same age, north of sixty, but she does not have one grey hair!  I coloured my hair when my kids were young, I wasn’t ready to be called their Grandma when we were out in public.

I continue to do so because it works for me.  I know some women that embrace their grey hair and that is wonderful!  As women we need to support each other and our decisions instead of tearing each other down. There is nothing wrong with being a low maintenance woman, but why tear someone else down that likes to get dolled up every day?  We need to embrace and accept our differences.

Now your hair may thin out in spots, so be prepared for that.  You’ll realize that when one side of your head gets colder quicker when the temperatures drop. I’ve learned to walk into the wind with my thicker side shielding the thinner side…like it’s being all chivalrous and protective of its weaker twin.

Working down the face, we come to the eye wrinkles, or crow’s feet, or laugh lines.  I prefer laugh lines…I do a lot of laughing, so I have a lot of those.

Now one day not long ago while out walking in the wind, I had the feeling of a hair sticking to my face by my eye.  No matter how I brushed at it, the feeling was still there.

So I get home in front of the mirror, you will want to invest in a high powered magnifying mirror, one hundred magnifier would be good, and low and behold I have a hair stuck in a wrinkle!  I mean sucked right down deep…like a ditch! A ditch wrinkle!!  It’s being held against its will screaming for help to get out!  I had to pull the skin down to release the hair.  I think I heard the wrinkle growl at me.  But I just growled back at the mirror…take that!

 That was a chock that up to age moment.

Moving down we come to the nose, still on the topic of hair sadly.  One day as I put on my makeup I noticed a dark dirt smudge on the end of my nose.  I’m thinking…what have I been into that I have a dirty nose?  Once again I’m in front of the mega magnifying mirror, I find I also need my reading glasses on as well.

(I wonder what a pair of those jeweler magnifying goggles cost?  They may come in handy)

I suddenly realize it isn’t a dirt smudge at all, but a herd of nose hairs trying to escape!!  They are going rogue in every direction!  How long has that been a thing??!!

Ok thinking about it, it’s likely the reason I had a feeling that I had a piece of fluff stuck to my nose, when in reality it was a nose hair flapping in the wind.  As if it was checking to see if it was safe to send out the others.  Good grief!  I get the tiny scissors out, along with a flashlight and the mega mirror and the removal operation is complete, no fatalities.

What Fresh Hell Is This??!!

Next up, (I’m thinking these will all be hair related topics).  Seems that hair that leaves your head, drops and takes root in your chin!  And the nursery rhyme line…”Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin…” pops into my head.  What fresh hell is this!

So you will have to add tweezer time to your daily routine to check on this.  I once had a dude tell me…quite seriously…I took too long getting ready in the bathroom.  I told him if I didn’t, I’d come out looking like a wilderbeast!  And yes, he’s gone! Do not put up with that! I’d be telling him something completely different now…not for print…I assure you! lol   A topic for another day my dears!

One more hair stop, and I’ll end on a positive note.  It also seems as we age, the arm pit hair pulls up and moves on…I still haven’t figured out where it goes or when it will show up, but it has left the building for the most part.  I have three hairs in one arm pit and two in the other.  So I take that as a win!  As you get older you take wins where you can get them!

Ok girlies, that’s probably all the aging info you can handle for now.  There is another whole body aging topic, but that’s for another day.  I need a nap!

Life Experience Wisdom

* Embrace your age and all that comes with it.

*Be there to support friends as you age.

*Do what works for you, but love and respect others.  We all handle aging in different ways!

*Laugh about aging as you go through it, not everyone is lucky enough to do so.

Cheers til next time!


My Motto

When life throws baseball size lemons at you, that smack you upside the head, stomp on those damn things and make yourself a cocktail! 

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1 year ago

LOL growling back at your wrinkle…I just about choked on my water reading that. Too funny!
It’s nice to have this stuff normalized. I’m starting to notice aging spots on my skin (in my 30s) and at first it freaked me out but now I figure meh, so what? It’s natural and I moisturize to keep my skin healthier, so that’s all I can do. Why worry or feel embarrassed? Waste of energy.
Thanks for sharing!