You’ll Be Ok Girlie!

You’ll Be Ok Girlie!

This week’s topic started out one way…took a turn and crashed and burned…lol

As I’ve said in the past some articles write themselves, while others are like spending time trying to untangle a fine gold chain necklace with your eyes closed!

But the first topic just wasn’t coming across right, so I ripped it out of my notebook and here I am starting over.  (Reminds me…I need to buy more pens again).

So I browse through my journal of ideas and come across one that is fitting for this week.

It’s a quote I call Bird On A Branch, and it goes like this…

A bird sitting in a tree

is never afraid of the branch breaking,

her trust is not in the branch

but in her own wings.

I will turn those life lemons into cocktails post to inspire

So just because my first article idea didn’t pan out, I kept going to find another and I like this one much better.

You have to trust yourself enough to know that you will be ok, no matter what life lemon come hurling at you.

Life is going to keep hurling those lemons, big or small, at you so you might as well learn how to deal with them.

This is a lesson of trusting yourself, being self confident and resilient.

First off….

Turn your mindset around from “Oh no I’m doomed!” to “Ok I’ve got this! I can handle it, I will be calm and figure out a solution to the problem!”

Sit down and list what you need to do to get where you want to be.

Work whatever steps you need to do to find that solution.

Emotionally, financially, physically, however you need to improve until you become that bird on a branch that is not afraid of it breaking.  One day at a time to get where you want to be.

Keep a positive stubborn mindset, knowing you will just turn that life lemon into a cocktail!

Setbacks in life are life lessons and can make you stronger.  Learn from them and keep moving forward!

Life Experience Wisdom flowers and butterflies

Life Experience Wisdom

*  Just know that life will throw lemons your way, you can’t duck them all.

*  Learn to deal with them without getting in a panic.

*  Trust yourself enough to know you will be ok.

*  Do the work to become the bird, so you know you can look after yourself and fly if you need to.

*  Keep this quote nearby and read it out loud every day.

*  Embrace the power to look after yourself and fly.

*  Remember…you will be ok girlie!

That’s it for this week, thanks for visiting, cheers til next time!


My Motto

When life throws baseball size lemons at you, that smack you upside the head, stomp on those damn things and make yourself a cocktail! 

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