As the holiday season winds down and the reality of a new year looms, it can be easy to feel drained, overwhelmed and maybe a little sad.
It’s a time of transition, change, and some of us don’t do change well.
So I have some tips that I use to help refocus and make the most of these days between now and the new year.
Take a minute to reflect on the past year. What have you accomplished, however small?
What challenges did you overcome?
What lessons did you learn from your mistakes?
Reflection isn’t just about celebrating your successes, and of course do celebrate them. It’s also about understanding how to improve and grow.
Prioritize Rest for Recovery
The holiday season is exhausting! Make sure you are getting enough sleep and exercise and eat properly.
Unplug from social and limit screen time. Instead have social time with your kids, play a board game or just sit and talk with them. Make sure they are doing ok as well. Read, take a walk, work on a hobby.
Remember you can’t pour from an empty cup, you are no good to yourself or your family if you don’t look after yourself.
I don’t know about you but clutter makes me anxious! I can’t focus on tasks if my space is cluttered.
So I try my best to keep my desk void of what isn’t needed, but with a couple of decorative items that make it homey at the same time.
But if you are happy and productive and focused with clutter, leave it be! Whatever works for you!
Set Goals
Big or small, setting goals gives you something to work for and look forward to. For me I’m always learning new computer skills and programs. Start with small goals and work your way to more challenging goals. And don’t forget accomplishing these goals will lead to a sense of empowerment. That’s always a good thing for us whatever our age.
Life is about balance, don’t do too much, don’t do too little. While you are working on your goals, don’t forget to stop and enjoy the journey. Balance out your goals with hobbies, family time, and self care. A balanced life is a sustainable life.
And always be mindful and grateful for your past and how far you have come. Let the mindset of gratitude set the tone for your new year forward.
So that’s what works for me to begin a new year.
I encourage you to embrace what comes at you in the new year with an open mind as you learn and grow forward!
Life Experience Wisdom
* Slow down, relax, reset and figure out what you want your new year to look like.
* Look after yourself so you can look after others.
That’s it for this week,
As always thanks for stopping by
Cheers til next week,
My Motto
When life throws baseball size lemons at you, that smack you upside the head, stomp on those damn things and make yourself a cocktail!